Physico-Chimie Curie

Internships Opportunities

Skill: microdissection

  • Electrical control of hair-cell mechanosensitivity in the inner ear

    Electrical control of hair-cell mechanosensitivity in the inner ear

    Sounds are detected in the inner ear by mechano-sensory “hair cells”. Hearing starts with sound-evoked deflections of the hair bundle, a cohesive tuft of stereocilia that works as the hair cell’s mechanical antenna (Fig. 1). These movements modulate tension in the tip links (Fig 1, inset) that pull on mechanosensitive ion channels, resulting in an…

  • Role of the ECM signaling in ex vivo mesodermal morphogenesis

    We are looking for a motivated master’s student to join our studies on tissue patterning and shape emergence during embryonic axis development. We are interested in understanding how mechanical cues, and possible feedbacks between mechanics and biochemical pathways, shape specific structures during the development of the anterior-posterior axis in a vertebrate embryo. More specifically, our…