We are looking for a motivated master’s student to join our studies on tissue patterning and shape emergence during embryonic axis development. We are interested in understanding how mechanical cues, and possible feedbacks between mechanics and biochemical pathways, shape specific structures during the development of the anterior-posterior axis in a vertebrate embryo.
More specifically, our research is focused on the process of somite generation during the axial morphogenesis, where in response to spatial gradients of morphogens, the posterior mesenchyme differentiates, condenses, and pinches off periodically in epithelial segments in the shape of rosettes. The extracellular matrix (ECM), surrounding the PSM, plays a crucial role in tissue rearrangement through signals that can be mechanical (matrix stiffness) and/or chemical. The details of this process are not yet well understood.
For this masters’ internship, we will devise ex vivo experimental approaches to study the role of ECM in tissue rearrangement and rosette formation in controlled 2D and 3D configuration. The role of ECM proteins and stiffness, as well as cellular elements during this shape emergence process will be evaluated. The candidate should have a background in biophysics, physics, bioengineering, biology, or in a closely related field, and a creative mindset and willingness to develop new skills at the interface of physics and biology. A good command of English is essential.