Physico-Chimie Curie

Internships Opportunities

Keyword: electrobiology

  • Electrobiology of the nuclear organization

    We are interested in the way chromatin organizes inside the nucleus, and in particular the interaction that arises between different kinds of chromatin (euchromatin and heterochromatin) and the nuclear membrane along the different growth phases of budding yeast. In recent investigations, we uncovered that heterochromatin forms aggregates that depend on a molecular glue (Sir3, Ruault…

  • Bioelectricity and embryonic patterning

    Bioelectricity and embryonic patterning

    All cell membranes present an electric potential. This is called the Resting Membrane Potential (RMP) and is the trace of the difference of ionic charges between the extracellular and the intracellular spaces. This is very well known in the so-called excitable cells (e.g. neurons, muscles) which can change their electric potential thanks to ion channels…